Thursday, 5 March 2015

Wow - starting with a bang!

WOW! And, when we say "Wow", we mean full-on Kate-Bush-arm-swinging "WOW!" (YouTube it :-)). Today was the opening day for the BIG Little Library - and what an amazing first day it was :-)

Our friends at Gateacre School (in particular Lisa Mitchell) have worked so hard to pull this together - Belle vale Shopping Centre very kindly offered them a shop unit for 3 months, so long as they used it for something to do with literacy... and they loved our Little Library so much they decided to create the BIG Little Library (by Gateacre School) - and they've done a great job!
Some of the pupils from Gateacre School came over to help out with the opening - and a credit to the school they were too :-)

In addition there were several groups of kids from other local schools... and - what with it being World Book Day - the younger ones were all dressed up as their favourite book characters... don't they look fab?

The Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Erica Kemp, has been a big supporter of our Little Library since not long after we launched it, and - despite having a big Volunteer Event on at the Town Hall today - she made the time to come along and open the Big Little Library :-)

The kids gave her a great welcome!
The big moment - Erica snips the (Gateacre purple) ribbon and declares the Big Little Library... OPEN!

Ably abetted by (L-R) Paul, the Manager of Belle Vale Shopping Centre; Bella, the Belle Vale Bumble Bee, and the unstoppable Lisa...
So much for official duties! Erica's first priority once everyone was inside was to get comfy in 'Cosy Corner' and start reading a story to the little girl of one of the shoppers - I think that says a lot about why we like her :-)
It was so lovely to see the place so full and absolutely buzzing!

Of course we realise it's not always going to be quite so busy... but three are various special events and activities planned so we'll be talking a bit more about some of them in future posts...
We'll also be following up (very soon) with another post about the other reason why Erica was at the opening and how we're tying the Big and Little, Little Libraries, together...
The dressing up basket in 'Cosy Corner' proved to be a big hit :-)
Lots of satisfied 'customers' - that's what we like to see! :-)
Hopefully Lisa's having a very well earned rest at the end of a hectic first day (at the end of several hectic weeks) 'making the magic happen'...

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