Regular readers will be aware that the Lord Mayor, Erica Kemp, was one of our earliest supporters - and some time back we discussed with her the possibility of getting a Little Library for Liverpool Town Hall - she was very keen on the idea so we asked our friends at Gateacre School if they'd be interested in providing one... and they said yes :-)
Pictured above is the moment where headmaster Mr Gerard Lonergan presented the Little Library to the Lord Mayor, flanked by Lisa Mitchell, the unstoppable force behind the BIG Little Library, and yours truly on behalf of the Middlefield Rd version.
What a proud moment!
After I'd performed my most important task of the day (I carried it back to the Lord Mayor's limo), the Little Library took up pride of place in the magnificent splendour of the Town Hall's foyer - where the staff are already helping to stock it.
But that's not all...

Over the course of its 3 months, Gateacre School will be providing a total of 10 Little Libraries to people around Merseyside!!! The first one is in the Town Hall, the last one is going to stay in Belle Vale Shopping Centre... and the ones in between will be going to a variety of people, institutions and community groups who've asked for them - we'll keep you up to date with each one right here :-) Is that fab, or what?!?!
Unfortunately, yes it does mean that those Little Libraries are all already spoken for... fortunately, there is still a way for you to get one of your own :-) Whilst these Little Libraries are made from new materials, we also encourage people to 'upcycle' (apparently that's a word... now) various old materials and furniture to make their own, unique and beautiful Little Libraries (like ours <3) - we're going to be using the BIG Little Library (and 'elsewhere') to run some workshops helping people to do this (and providing some or all of the materials), so keep watching...
Oh, and if you're wondering who the lady in the marvellous hat is, apparently she's the High Sheriff of Merseyside ;-)
Speaking of unique & beautiful Little Libraries - here are some more pics of the amazing decoration job Lisa did on the Town Hall's... if you look really closely at the pic on the left you'll see a pic (bottom centre) from the Giants, with a couple of Lilliputians walking in front of Grandma - yes folks, that's me and Lisa, and that's how we first met up and started planning crazy stuff :-)
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