Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Merry Xmas to all our readers!

We just wanted to wish you a happy whatever-it-is-you-celebrate at this time of year - Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza, Solstice, etc - or maybe you just like to celebrate being with your favourite people :-)

If you're quick you can still find Charles Dickens' classic "Christmas Carol" in the Little Library... it's short so you could still curl up and read it before the big day!

If you've never read it, it's well worth it - a bit schmalzy, maybe, but that's what the time of year is all about - but it is genuinely moving in parts (despite its familiarity) and it does leave you with a warm feeling... so long as you'e willing to let go of your world weary cynicism just that little bit...

In so may ways this is the book that defined our views of a 'traditional Christmas'... so go ahead and give it a go... first come, first served!

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