Friday, 28 March 2014

Fancy a Little Library of Your Own..?

We've had a lovely response to our Little Library, with a number of people who aren't local to us saying what a good idea they think it is (and they're right, it'a great idea - shame it wasn't ours ;-) ). These people don't really live close enough to make much use of our Little Library... but maybe there's another way...

Would you like to host a Little Library for your local community..? Not sure how to get started? We have a bit of experience now and - whilst not exactly experts of world-renown - we're keen :-)

So, if you'd like our help to get going - finding and/or preparing a cabinet; getting the books; publicising it; etc - please give us a shout and let's see what we can do together!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

First comment!

Hooray... we finally got our first comment on the blog - and it was from our old (though slightly mysterious ;-) ) friend, 'AB' - yes the same AB that also left our first sticky note - thanks again AB..!

We also had our highest ever number of hits in a single day, last Sunday,so I guess all that leafleting we did was worthwhile :-)

Monday, 17 March 2014

Nice Neighbours

 There's been a definite theme to the last few days... and a lovely one it is too... first of all the talented Mr Roberts (& family, I think) left us some books just like he said he would; and then another generous neighbour left us some children's books; and then yet another kindly soul left us yet more books..!

We've had to move some of the books into a 'reserve pile' to be filtered in over time, but as you can see - it's still getting pretty crowded in there (oh, no - I'd stopped thinking about them reproducing until just then...). It's wonderful that people want to support us by donating books (and please keep doing so :-) ) but it would also be just as wonderful if a load more people came along and borrowed some too!

We don't want anyone to miss out, so if you don't have a book to swap to get you started, please don't worry about it - just come down and borrow one and then you can start swapping that one...

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Where are we..?

Well, we've been out doing some more leafleting today to let our neighbours know the Little Library is there for them to use... and we realised what a lot of little tucked-away culs-de-sac there are around where we live (most of which we'd never seen before!)... so we thought a map might be useful to show people exactly where we are...

View Larger Map

Saturday, 15 March 2014

This is what it's all about!

We've only just found this little gem, because it was tucked away on the kids' shelf - don't know if it was a swap or a donation, and no idea who 'A.B.' is, but thank you!

Leaving notes on (or in) books is a great way to personalise the Little Library and make it a real neighbourhood experience please keep on doing it :-)

More thanks to Mark Roberts

So it turns out that our talented neighbour, Mark Roberts, is actually our multi-talented neighbour, who writes children's books as well as brilliant crime novels (OK, I haven't actually read any of them *yet* - I certainly will - but 30 reviews at over 4 stars on Amazon tells its own story). He's also a kind and thoughtful man who saw Medb's picture on this site and left two of those children's books just for her - she's so excited and really looking forward to reading them... I'll read some to her and she'll read the rest herself, so I'll get to enjoy them too!

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Great Excitement at No. 14

Yes indeed - because it turns out that one of our lovely neighbours is actually  a real, proper writer - you know, books and stuff. Real books... that you can buy. And read :-)

This is him:

and he left us a very kind note saying he thinks this is a great idea and promising us some books.

He's even given us a plug on his Facebook site - how good is that?!

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Another First...

Not, the first comment on here, no - we've had our first kid's book swapped now as well :-)

Friday, 7 March 2014

Our first (local) donation!

I haven't been able to see for myself yet, but much excitement yesterday as we received our first donation from an anonymous neighbour! (At least, we're assuming that's what happened - a load of extra books have appeared in the Little Library, so it's either that or they're breeding... I wish I hadn't just put that thought into my own head...)

Thank you so much to whoever it was <3

Now, come on around everyone and enjoy them! What will our next 'first' be...maybe a comment on the blog..? (hint, hint)

Monday, 3 March 2014


And we're off - we had our first swapper today! How fantastic :-)

Sunday, 2 March 2014

The Grand Opening!

Fanfares, celebrity guests, a band of marching elephants - no expense spared for today's big launch (also known as 'stick it outside and hope it doesn't leak')... enjoy!

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Making the Little Library

WELCOME to the blog site for our Little Library. It's basically a book exchange - everyone is welcome to take a book, but we ask that - if they can - they leave one in return. We got the idea from, but we haven't actually affiliated to them (yet) because, well - because you have to pay them, and right now we'd rather just get things up and running!
We bought the cabinet that was to become our Little Library from our friends at Pilgrims Progress - and when we told them what we wanted it for they promptly donated a pile of books as well... many thanks to them for that - donations are very important to the Library, so if you have books you'd like to donate then please do! 
The cabinet is made of beautiful old wood, so one of the main things we had to do was to make it waterproof before handing it over to the tender ministrations of the Liverpool weather! There were various cracks in the wood, and at the joins, so the first job was to fill those.

The cabinet was also on castors, so the next job was to remove them and then raise it up off the ground on some wooden blocks.
 Probably the main single piece of weatherproofing comes from the varnish - we found the one that had the most words like 'marine', 'exterior', 'heavy duty', etc written on the tin and slapped a couple of coats all over - time will tell whether it really does 'do what it says on the tin'...

...but, to be honest, we thought it probably needed a bit of help, given the regular downpours we've been having... we found an off-cut of asphalt roofing and fixed that on the top to (hopefully) take the worst of the weather and make sure the books stay nice and dry inside.
 With the outside secured (touch-heavily-varnished-wood), it was time to turn to the inside - and add some shelves. Those shelves are more level than they look, by the way - it's the camera angle, honestly, they're actually pretty level... and the floor is on a slope... and, look, the books don't care so neither should you!

Talking of books - time to add some...

Time also to create a display window in the inside of the door panel, where we can put more details about what we're doing and why...

... the following post tells you exactly what it says.

Almost done now - time to 'fill yer books'! The basic idea is that the top two shelves are books for grown-ups and the bottom shelf is for the kids - although there's no hard and fast rule to that... if you like the look of it, then read it!

And talking of what you like - frankly, we have no idea... so if you'd like something in particular (or even just something different from what we've chosen), then please tell us. 

You can tell us here on the blog; you can pop a note through the door; or you can just knock and tell us directly.

And finally... a lovingly made sign for the front door panel, so you all know exactly what to look out for, and how to tell when you've found it :-)

How Does This Library Work?

This Little Free Library offers a way to share good things to read—favourite books from your childhood or books you would recommend to friends; books that teach, intrigue and engage you.  All of us can help by keeping this collection stocked with good reading material. 

Whose library is this?  It belongs to everybody – friends, neighbours, and people we don’t even know yet. Anyone can use it. That’s why we want to take care of it.
Take a book. If you see something you would like to read, take it.  Look inside and see who gave it; who else has read it. If you can, leave a book in exchange.

Share it. Return it here when you’ve read it – or to any book exchange; or pass it on to a friend.

Give books. Leave notes in them.  Be a friend of all libraries by helping any way you can. Pay it Forward!

We support reading for children, literacy for adults, and libraries around the world.